September 1, 2009
Sylvio spent the past decade banished from Simare’s court, stripped of land, ancestral home and title – from Minister of National Security to back-country bowyer. But not any bowyer; Sylvio creates bows from laminations of wood and human bone, bows that are said to speak, bows known as the legendary arcossi.
And now, after a decade, he is called back to the capitol, summoned by his Prince whom he suspects is a patricide and insane. His very life is in danger and with it the country he has served through all his days.
From Mountains of Ice is a story of love, endurance and the meaning of honour.
For most readers, From Mountains of Ice will be their first exposure to Lorina Stephens, so it’s tempting to talk in terms of ‘a great new voice in Canadian fantasy’ or to describe her as ‘one of the most promising new writers in Canadian SF’, but such sound bites would be grossly unfair to someone who is already writing top of the genre. ‘Promise’ be damned; it doesn’t get much better than this.
If you enjoy stories with rich characterization and intricate world-building, told in leisurely, lyrical prose dense with imagery, “From Mountains of Ice” is for you.
Immunity Cage
From Mountains of Ice is an entertaining and original fantasy from Lorina Stephens, highly recommended.
…a non-stop ride filled with surprises at every turn.
Among the best fantasy books I’ve read in quite some time.
World of Godsland