February Newsletter
We’re ramping up here at Five Rivers for the 2008 book signings of Recipes of a Dumb Housewife, and, Shadow Song. The tentative schedule looks like this:
Ø March 29 – Coles, Orangeville, Ontario
Ø April 26 – Coles, Waterloo, Ontario
Ø May 31 – Coles, Newmarket, Ontario
Ø June 28 – Indigo, Richmond Hill, Ontario
Ø August 30 – Chapters, Markham, Ontario
Ø September 27 – Chapters, Yonge & Steeles, Ontario
As these dates are confirmed we’ll post to our blog and website.
If you’d like to see Lorina at your local book store, library, museum, or service club contact us here at:
Five Rivers Chapmanry
704 Queen Street
P.O. Box 293
Neustadt, ON N0G 2M0
[email protected]
New Imprint
We’ve decided to develop our own publishing imprint which will be known as (what else?) Five Rivers Chapmanry. By doing this we’ll be able to print our books through one of the world’s largest Print on Demand (POD) printers, Lightning Source, which is in turn own by one of the world’s largest distributors, Ingram.
What this means to Lorina’s loyal readers is her books will be more competitively priced, and still available through all the major online retailers, as well as with greater access to bricks and mortar stores.
And the Angels Sang
Lorina’s anthology of speculative short fiction, And the Angels Sang, is now with the editor. Cover artwork is being tweaked. Release date through our own imprint, Five Rivers Chapmanry, is scheduled for September 1, 2008.
In an effort to not only cut costs, but act as responsible publishers, we’ve decided not to print review copies which normally end up in landfill. Advance review .PDF copies will be made available to media and reviewers May 1, 2008. If you’re interested in reviewing And the Angels Sang please contact us.
Another Cookbook
Responding to the positive response to her first foray into the world of books on simple cookery, Lorina is working on a new offering, Dumb Housewife Cooks with Fire. This light-hearted release focuses on three methods of outdoor cooking: gas barbeque, charcoal barbeque, and open fire cookery, complete with technology, techniques, and delicious, simple recipes with methods for all three types of preparation.
Slated for release September 2009, Dumb Housewife Cooks with Fire is sure to be a hit with lovers of relaxed, outdoor living.
New Novel in the Works
Lorina’s presently working on a new fantasy novel, tentatively titled, From Mountains of Ice. It is set in a lush world with definite Italian influence, where a man, fallen from grace, discovers the true meaning of honour.
From Mountains of Ice is slated for release September 2010.