Great Response in Orangeville

I was back at Coles, Orangeville, yesterday for a follow-up book signing. As always store manager, Pam, and her staff were a blast to be with. Such dynamism and energy there. Lots of books went out the door, no few of them my own.

Right at the end my dear friend, Vandy Simpson (remarkable costumer with Theatre Orangeville) breezed in on her way to a last minute fitting for one of the actors in the current production. I don’t get to see Vandy near as much as I’d like, and so those few moments we were able to share were gold.
I have one last book signing for the year scheduled for Saturday, December 13, 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. at Chapters, Stone Road Mall, Guelph, Ontario. If you’re in the area do stop in, say hello and pick up a signed copy of And the Angels Sang and Shadow Song.