Some Fun Today

  1. On a completely frivolous note, I’ve added a Guest Map from Bravenet to the blog, which can find on the right sidebar and scroll down toward the bottom. I encourage you to ‘pin’ yourself on the map, leave me a note if you like. Would be great to see where all of you are from.

  2. I’ve been Twittering a great deal the past few weeks. If you Twitter, add me to your list of people you follow. There’s a widget on the right sidebar to connect, or I can be found at:

  3. I’m on Facebook as well, if you do that. There’s a widget somewhere on the right sidebar to connect, or simply do a search on Facebook for Lorina Stephens. I think I’m the only one there.

  4. You can also use the RSS feed on the blog if you wish to automatically receive updates from here. There is also a Following feature you can click in the right sidebar to link yourself from here to your blog.