Five Rivers Books Coming to Shortcovers

As I write I’m working on converting all of Five Rivers’ books for Indigo’s new Shortcovers feature, ‘a new digital destination where you can discover and experience your next great read on any mobile device,’ according to press information.

Unlike other eBook retailers and eBook readers like Amazon’s Kindle, Shortcovers is an application you download to a variety of readers, even smart phones like iPhone and Blackberry. You can choose to preview a limited portion of a book, just as you would with Google Books or by browsing in a bookstore. You can then purchase the book a chapter at a time, or in its entirety. And what’s even more exciting is Shortcovers, unlike Kindle, is not restricted geographically. As long as you have access to the Internet, you can purchase digital books from Shortcovers anywhere in the world.

The market potential for Shortcovers is enormous. And that’s one of the many reasons Five Rivers has decided to make our books available to this feature.

My only problem now is another huge learning curve, in that I have to reformat all our books to Shortcovers‘ specifications — no small task! I expect, however, that by the end of April all Five Rivers’ books will be available through Shortcovers. Very excited about this. Hope you are as well.