Book launch for Timefall, by Alison Lohans
Timefall is set in Regina – present-day, and a thousand years in the future – featuring a teen mom whose baby is the long-predicted saviour of a distant future society; a flawed psychic Seer; and ecological cataclysm looming in both worlds.
Biking along Wascana Creek, all Katie wants is a bit of peace – away from her teething baby Tyler, her bratty brother, and her nagging mom. Finding a quiet spot to stretch out on the creek bank, she leans back – and falls out of her world.
Being the very last apprentice in a centuries-unbroken line is unthinkable! Mourning the death of his mentor, Iannik and everyone else knows he lacks the true Sight to summon the infant T’laaure. All the prophesies will go unfulfilled, and the last remnants of his people now face certain extinction.
Two worlds on the verge of ecological collapse: one already doomed by its lack of vision, the other by a vision unfulfilled. Can a group of teens find each other in time to save at least one world?
…a beautiful Saskatchewan-based…novel by Alison Lohans. Timefall faces climate apocalypse, teen parenting, and issues of consent with an innocence that can’t help but be engaging.
Jayne Barnard, author of Maddie Hatter Adventures
…not only for YA, also highly recommended for adult readers… The characters are multifaceted and complex, the conflicts are realistic, and solutions don’t necessarily result in happy endings.
Amazon, 5 stars

The launch for Timefall is Saturday November 17 at India Palace, 4030 Albert Street, at 7 p.m.
Timefall is available in print and e-format fromĀ Five Rivers Publishing and online booksellers worldwide.
Alison Lohans is the author of 26 books and countless shorter pieces. She can be reached on Facebook and atĀ https://alisonlohans.wordpress .com/