Short story publication
Spring 2022 Issue of Pulp Literature
The great folks at Pulp Literature have released their Spring Issue No. 34.
I’m really pleased to share the table of contents with JJ Lee, Megan W Shaw, Kimberley Aslett, Mel Anastasiou, Mitchell Shanklin, Michelle Barker, and Douglas Smith.
My story, Would We Had Time, took inspiration from the true story of a chronometer, inventoried as Arnold 294, and made by the famous John Arnold of London. The chronometer had been assigned to the Erebus of the Franklin Expedition in 1845. And then disappeared with all else on that ill-fated expedition.
Come forward to 2009. A carriage clock comes to the attention of master horologist Jim Betts of the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, England. Turns out the carriage clock is not a carriage clock at all, but the missing chronometer, Arnold 294, from the doomed and lost Erebus. It is in good condition. And a mystery. No one knows how the chronometer came to survive, or how it came to be disguised and remade into a carriage clock.
My story, Would We Had Time, suggests an explanation which I like to think might be worthy of Jack London.
Pulp Literature’s Spring Issue No. 34 is now available through their website in print and ebook. Why not check it out? And leave a review!