Creepy books for Halloween

I’m a bit late on the uptake here. But if you’re looking for some creepy books for tonight’s reading, or creepy reading anytime, allow me to tempt you with these. Links are all attached to images. All available in trade paperback, ebook, and some as audiobook. Ann Marston’s A Still and Bitter Grave, is a suspenseful paranormal novel set in Alberta. Lorina Stephens’ From mOuntains of Ice explores a culture which is guided by the dead D.G….

Cory Doctorow features Michael Skeet on BoingBoing

The legendary Cory Doctorow features Michael Skeet on his well-known site BoingBoing, where Michael writes about his latest deliciously intriguing historical fantasy, A Tangled Weave.  A Tangled Weave is the second novel in The French Intrigues series. It’s available in trade paperback and ebook directly from Five Rivers, and your favourite online bookseller.