Five Rivers to launch E-scapes
We’re launching a new eBook only imprint, which will feature short, entertaining works both fiction and non-fiction, from 20,000 to 80,000 words.
And we’re calling the imprint:
The concept is to capture the commuter and mobile market with quick, easy to read stories, from purely commercial fiction (romance, SF&F, thriller, horror, historical, suspense, but most definitely not porn), to self-help, biographies and the eccentric overview of an arcane subject.
We’ll be paying a royalty of 50% on net, to equalize the profit share a little better, paid in our usual quarterly statements by the 30th of the month following the close of the calendar quarter.
It goes without saying all manuscripts will have the scrutiny of one of our brilliant editors.
So, if you have that manuscript languishing in the bottom drawer because it’s too short and publishers are generally not interested, pitch us a pitch. If you have a colleague or friend who has that manuscript languishing in the bottom drawer because it’s too short and publishers are generally not interested, have them pitch us a pitch. Just be sure to put in the subject header of the email, E-SCAPES.
Format should be:
· DOC or RTF format,
· Times New Roman 12 pt typeface, double-spaced, 1″ margins. Do not under any circumstances use any of Word’s built-in formatting for chapters, headers, etc. We will only strip it out, and having to do so will make us cranky. And please set your spelling preference for English Canadian if at all possible.
· Be sure to include your full (real) name, mailing address, email address, date of birth and SIN in your query letter. Doing so will make it easier when we offer you a contract and pay you royalties.
Look forward to hearing from you!