Review from Robert Runte: Shadow Song
The following review of Shadow Song appeared on Chapters Community from Robert Runte, former editor of Tesseracts, and sometime reviewer at NeoOpsis.
Superior writing backed by meticulous research and authentic characterization elevates this cultural fantasy to candidate for Great Canadian Novel. Historical romance has ten year old girl thrust into life in 1830s Upper Canada (after sheltered aristocratic upbringing in England) and eventually into learning from First nation’s shaman. Fantasy elements based on First Nation’s culture as convincing and riveting as any based on usual Celtic/Anglo traditions; historical detail so finely rendered you can reach out to touch the settings; and authentic voice of 1830s heroine gives narration fine Jane Austin feel — with maybe touch of Black Donnellys thrown in. Definitely in the best tradition of dark, slow Canadian fiction, book packs a powerful punch. Highly recommended.