The End of an Era

It is with deep regret I write today to let all of you know I’m shutting down Five Rivers Publishing. Well, mostly.

This is not a decision I’ve made easily, or lightly, and has taken weeks of deliberation and deep concern.

John Lennon allegedly penned, life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.

Which, it seems, is exactly what’s happened. Three weeks ago my elderly inlaws came to live with us, likely for the rest of their lives. He’s bedridden after 12 weeks in hospital during which the COVID pandemic came hurtling through. She’s likely suffering with early dementia. To say life has become hectic, with an army of health care personnel sweeping through our home, would be an understatement.

While I was able to cope with the demands of the publishing house through my own cancer surgery four years ago, and then double knee replacements last year, this challenge will last longer, years in all likelihood. Just trying to keep up to the demands of two frail elders, along with keeping our glass business operating (which is what pays the bills) is all I can handle. So, rather than fail all of our authors, it just seems fair and sensible to return all rights to them as of June 1, 2020. And I have now shut down the site as regards all our authors, but for me. I do hope to still find time to write in the future, and my own books are still out there, so I thought I would utilize the site for a bit of vanity, if you will please pardon me. I just feel like I have to have something left of what I created over 12 years.

It has been my honour and privilege to have given voice to the work of these extraordinary Canadian authors I published, to have laboured on their behalf, to have represented excellent literary achievements which have gone on to be shortlisted for artistic awards. Many went on to sign deal with larger houses. Some have made a financial viable life for themselves as writers. For others their adventure with me was all about making dreams come true. All of it was a blast. And I thank you.

Please go forward knowing I believed in you. And still do.