(re)Discover the Joy of Creative Writing: Revised, Updated and Re-issued

We’re pleased to announce the release today of the newly revised and updated (re)Discover the Joy of Creative Writing, by Paul Lima. Part of the Workshop in a Book series, (re)Discover the Joy of Creative Writing, is ideal for new writers looking to overcome writer’s block or boost their creativity, or for experienced writers looking to reignite their creative fuse. With over 50 exercises to get you started and to keep you writing, (re)Discover the…

Seven Book Agreement with Paul Lima

This morning Five Rivers reached an agreement to publish seven books by well-known Toronto-based freelance writer, Paul Lima.   In January 2009, Five Rivers released Lima’s How to Write a Non-fiction Book in 60 Days. To date it has gone on to sell almost 700 copies in Canada, the US and UK, and has constitently held the top 100 spot in its category on both UK and Canadian Amazon sites. It is available through online…

The Amazon/Macmillan fracas: the flaw in both arguments

As many of you know by now publishing world giants Amazon and Macmillan fired salvos at each other over the weekend, resulting in authors, pundits, corporate captains, and the public tossing about comments, criticisms and invectives. To synopsise, as I view it, Amazon had its corporate knickers in a knot over Macmillan’s pricing policy (eBook prices over $9.99.), and yanked Macmillan’s titles from their online catalogue. Macmillan responded, as did its authors and the world,…

Amazon vs Macmillan

A very cogent analysis of the current fight between Macmillan (one of the major American publishers) and Amazon that has Amazon removing ALL of Macmillian’s titles from its “shelves” is presented by author Charles Stross. Stross is mostly focused on the fate of the large commercial legacy publishers here, but in an aside points out that if monster corporations like Macmillan can’t take on Amazon, micropresses like ours and self-publishers will have to accept any…