Review: Grey Dog, by Elliott Gish

Grey Dog Elliott Gish ISBN 9781770417328 400 pages Release: April 9, 2024 Publisher: ECW Press Young, talented, well-acquainted with 18th and 19th century gothic horror and dark fiction, Elliot Gish has launched her debut novel, which is relatively accomplished, and certainly makes for an interesting read. What is the novel about? The marketing blurb: The year is 1901, and Ada Byrd ― spinster, schoolmarm, amateur naturalist ― accepts a teaching post in isolated Lowry Bridge, grateful for…

Review: Autokrator, by Emily A. Weedon

Autokrator Emily A. Weedon ISBN 9781770866850 440 pages Release: April 13, 2024 Publisher: Cormorant Books Autokrator, the debut novel by Emily A Weedon, brings with it some perceived credibility: Weedon is a Canadian Screen Award winner for best writing in a webseries. She’s also won or been nominated for 10 other screen writing awards. And she’s represented by Sam Hiyate of The Rights Factory. The novel is published by Cormorant Books, a Toronto-based publisher with a reputation for producing accessible,…

Review: Him, by Geoff Ryman

Him Geoff Ryman ISBN 9781915202673 376 pages Release: December 5, 2023 Publisher: Angry Robot I must admit I became enamoured of Geoff Ryman’s work after reading The King’s Last Song, a superb tale which relates the story of an archaeologist working on the stupendous site of Angkor Wat where he finds a book of golden leaves which is a memoir written by Jayavarman Seven, one of the first Buddhist kings in Cambodia. The second story reveals the contents of the memoir…

Review: Shadow Matter, by S.W. Mayse

Shadow Matter S.W. Mayse ISBN 9781989407554 508 pages Release: November 7, 2023 Publisher: Tyche Books S.W. Mayse comes with a pedigree, having received the Edna Staebler Award for Creative Non-Fiction, and the Arthur Ellis Award for Best True Crime for Ginger, as well as another Ellis award for first novel first runner-up for Merlin’s Web. She was also shortlisted for the Georgette Heyer Award for Historical Fiction for her novel, Awen. Her most recent novel, Shadow Matter, was recently released by Tyche…

Review: Lost Cargo, by Noah Chinn

Lost Cargo (Get Lost Saga, Book 2) Noah Chinn ISBN 9781990411182 328 pages Release: November 1, 2023 Publisher: Independent I don’t usually come to a novel series without having read the first, and it was likely my oversight that Lost Cargo was part of a series which may have swayed my opinion to the favourable. At this point that argument is moot, because Noah Chinn’s second installment in his Lost Saga series is a cleverly compartmentalized story, standing perfectly…