Indigo Time receives 5 stars at Goodreads
The following 5-star review of Sally McBride’s Indigo Time showed up recently at Goodreads.

Indigo Time is an effective combination of fantasy and science fiction. Very much a story of female empowerment, it features a matriarchal legacy that is both magical and poisonous and a protagonist who is strong enough to wield it while resisting its corrupting influence. This is a novel about family and friendship, love and strength, nobility and corruption.
The coming of age aspect makes it an excellent read for young readers, but it is also a very adult story about deception, decision-making, the strength of family; and both the dangers and rewards of following your heart and opening your mind.
The coming of age aspect makes it an excellent read for young readers, but it is also a very adult story about deception, decision-making, the strength of family; and both the dangers and rewards of following your heart and opening your mind.