Michael Fletcher guest author around the webz
Michael R. Fletcher |
Michael Fletcher, author of 88 and Beyond Redemption, is going on a bit of a virtual walk-about over the next few weeks.
Here at Five Rivers we thought you might find that tour of interest. His first stop is at Wade Garret’s World where he talks about the NaNoWriMo diet.
Fletcher’s second stop is at Peter Fugazzotoo’s site, where Fletcher talks about surviving NaNoWriMo.
Fletcher’s first novel, 88, is frankly one of the most brilliant works of science fiction I’ve ever read, and have the privilege of publishing.
Beyond Redemption is the one that got away from us. I remember clearly reading the manuscript thinking: dear god, this is weird, disturbing; I have to acquire this one! I literally was making up the contract when Mike let me know he’d been picked up by the Donald Maass Agency and would have to reluctantly withdraw the manuscript.
I was heartbroken, but also elated for Mike. His is a talent I was fully cognizant would sooner or later be recognized by bigger players, and I was, and still am, very pleased to have been the publisher who first gave him voice.
Hope you enjoy Fletcher’s virtual tour. And hope you take a chance, pick up one of his books, and discover one of the most original voices to hit the fantasy and science fiction genres since William Gibson.