Short Story Publication

One of my Favourite Magazines In the latest issue of On Spec, one of my favourite speculative fiction magazines, and a publication for which I review, one of my flash fiction stories makes a debut appearance: “The Keening of the Sparrow”. I’m rather pleased with this short, sharp, shocking story which was inspired by the Industrial Revolution child-labourers known as chimney swifts. And given the human predilection for using and abusing their own, I transplanted…

Untold Stories, cover reveal and release

Dublin Creative Writers launch fourth Anthology I’m very pleased to present the cover reveal and launch date of November 28, 2023 for the Dublin Creative Writers‘ fourth anthology: Untold Stories: an Anthology. I’m further pleased because one of my stories makes an encore, “For A Cup of Tea”, originally published in On Spec, Issue 23, Winter 1995. It’s an alternative history, and a bit of a romp, examining the famed race between the tea clippers, Cutty Sark…

Bad Day Book has landed

A collection of funny experiences we can all relate to Do you ever feel like life’s a joke and you’re the punchline? The Bad Day Book is for people looking for a solution to life’s many bad days; one that doesn’t include curling up in fetal position while crying, or pretending it never happened. You know the days we’re talking about. When your plans get ruined. You think you’re a superhero, and you’re not. Or you…

News, News!

Two exciting bits of news! Just in time for the close of September, two exciting occurrences here. The first Is I’ve been asked by Diane Walton, managing editor at On Spec Magazine, to be a reviewer for this award-winning quarterly periodical of Canadian fantastica. My short stories have appeared in On Spec previously, and I am thrilled to be part of the reviewing team. The second bit of news is my story, “Remember”, appears in…

I’m still here

Been a bit AWOL Sorry about that. Life, you know? Seems it’s been since March that I’ve posted anything here, and what a journey it’s been. Why AWOL? Well, to be succinct, it was all about eldercare of my 93-year-old mother-in-law who has dementia. That will have to suffice as explanation for the high-drama and stress which has overshadowed our lives since March. We think we’re on track to better care for her. The next…