Short story publication

Spring 2022 Issue of Pulp Literature The great folks at Pulp Literature have released their Spring Issue No. 34. I’m really pleased to share the table of contents with JJ Lee, Megan W Shaw, Kimberley Aslett, Mel Anastasiou, Mitchell Shanklin, Michelle Barker, and Douglas Smith. My story, Would We Had Time, took inspiration from the true story of a chronometer, inventoried as Arnold 294, and made by the famous John Arnold of London. The chronometer…

Sometimes David needs to pay Goliath

For some number of years it has been well-known among indie presses who use Ingram to set up their print-on-demand titles that Amazon, that retailing mammoth, would never play fair. Fair isn’t how you amass billions of dollars in wealth. What the giant would do is accept Ingram’s data feeds so that your title would appear on Amazon’s website, and then within a few weeks the titles would be listed as unavailable from Amazon, and…

December at The Old Stone House

Sold a story Very pleased to announce I have a short story coming out in the next issue of Polar Borealis, Issue 20, which Graeme Cameron is hoping to have out this month. The story, The Intersection, is a reprint. It first appeared in Strangers Among Us: Underdogs and Outcasts, published by Laksa Media, and edited by Susan Forest and Lucas K. Law. It subsequently was included in my recent collection of short stories, Dreams of the…

Just checking in

Thought it might be time to do a general update for my readers. I’m not very good at that, I’m afraid, so apologies. Often just feels sort of intrusive on my part, the concept that I should just blurt out to the world what I’m up to, but I suppose that’s more a part of being a private person than anything else. But on to what I’m up to, if you’re interested. audiobooks This is…

From here to where?

Fingers in pies As usual, I’m flitting back and forth between projects, especially now it’s again summer. Mostly my time is taken up with the vegetable and perennial gardens, or just enjoying the bucolic nature of this village, and our home. I suppose summer is when I recharge, gain perspective and insight, which then becomes the well from which I draw throughout the winter. However, there are moments I do spend in front of the…