News, News!

Two exciting bits of news! Just in time for the close of September, two exciting occurrences here. The first Is I’ve been asked by Diane Walton, managing editor at On Spec Magazine, to be a reviewer for this award-winning quarterly periodical of Canadian fantastica. My short stories have appeared in On Spec previously, and I am thrilled to be part of the reviewing team. The second bit of news is my story, “Remember”, appears in…

Short story appears in On Spec

So today’s exciting news is I have a short story appearing in On Spec Magazine. What is On Spec? On Spec Magazine is a quarterly journal of Fantastic Literature, published by the Copper Pig Society. The magazine has won several Prix Aurora Awards, and has been a Canadian icon in Fantastic Literature since 1989.   My short story I wrote a strange and challenging story, “Water Rights”, which explores not only rights to Canada’s waterways,…