The Runner and the Wizard, 5-star LibraryThing review

Reader reviews are now coming in from a recent LibraryThing promotion Five Rivers offered for Dave Duncan’s new YA fantasy novelette, The Runner and the Wizard. This reviewer from Lebanon had this to say: This review was written for LibraryThing Early Reviewers. Set in ancient Scotland just before 1000AD this story is one of a young man coming into his own. Ivor Bracken, ninth son and runner for Thane Carrack, is sent to bring back the…

Gifts for crime fans

This holiday season you might consider some perfect pairings from Five Rivers for your gift-giving, in either print or eBook. For the lover of true-crime stories, might we suggest… Al Capone: Chicago’s King of Crimeby Nate Hendley Dutch Schultz: the brazen beer baron of New Yorkby Nate Hendley Crystal Death: Methamphetamine, North America’s #1 Killer Drugby Nate Hendley Steven Truscott: Decades of Injusticeby Nate Hendley

Out of Time, by D.G. Laderoute, LibaryThing 5-star review

available in print and eBookfrom Five Rivers Publishingand online booksellers worldwide This review was written for LibraryThing Early Reviewers. One of my favourite books when I was young was a collection of Aboriginal stories about Glooscap and his friends. I learned a little about Native spirituality and loved the animal spirits and their antics and interactions. Out of Time is a wonderful YA story that reminded me of that old, lovely book. It is the story…

Wasps at the Speed of Sound garners 4-stars at LibraryThing

Another LibraryThing review, this for Derryl Murphy’s edgy collection of short, speculative fiction, Wasps at the Speed of Sound. available from Five Riversand online booksellers worldwideprint and eBook This review was written for LibraryThing Early Reviewers. Very thought-provoking and entertaining stories. Most of them have an underlying environmental element to them. My favorite story is Those Graves of Memory-about a boy, memories and a very distant future. Others go from a human who has a chance…

LibraryThing 4-stars for Dave Duncan’s The Runner and the Wizard

Plainly this reader likes Dave Duncan’s newest YA novelette. available through Five Riversand online booksellers worldwideprint and eBook This review was written for LibraryThing Early Reviewers. The Runner and the Wizard by Dave Duncan. Reviewed from an e-book received through the LibraryThing Early Reviewers Program. Ivor is the youngest of a large clan of bossy older siblings. Wanting to do something without brotherly oversight, he volunteers to carry a message for his thane to a holy…