Prix Aurora Awards now open for nominations

Canada’s Prix Aurora Awards are now open for nominations. Our own Lorina Stephens’ fantasy novel, From Mountains of Ice, is eligible for nomination. You can easily make your nomination online at the Prix Aurora website, at The Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Awards (“the Auroras”) have been presented annually since 1980 with the exception of 1984. The name Aurora has been officially in use since 1991. The primary function of Canvention is the presentation…

Why so many divisions on the website?

We seem to be asked that quite a bit recently: why so many divisions on Five Rivers’ website? Some people seem to think it looks unprofessional to have several seemingly unrelated businesses lumped into one website. Others think it displays a lack of commitment. Allow us to illuminate the subject. Five Rivers is a family owned and operated business dedicated to the pursuit of excellence and individualism. Our partners, Gary and Lorina Stephens, each pursue…

Settling into 2010

It would seem 2010 is going to be about change, new frontiers and the realization of dreams, at least if the first four days of this new year are any indication. The year here started out very much on a personal note, with a somewhat sudden decision to launch into a full-blown kitchen renovation, precipitated by a Christmas gift of a new dishwasher. The dishwasher wouldn’t fit the old (c. 1960) cupboards and counter, which…

Simon Rose Joins Five Rivers’ Authors

Yesterday Five Rivers reached an agreement to publish the next young adult novel from author Simon Rose, Flashback. The novel is a reincarnation, time-travel story about young Vancouver-based Max, who finds himself a reluctant investigator into a murder that happened decades ago to David Dexter. Max’s dreams and findings lead him to people it would appear he knew in a previous life and in the end transport back in time and body into the dangerous…

The Value, or Not, of Reviews

There was a time, when legacy publishing houses decided what the public read, that legacy review periodicals ruled the publishing marketplace. Then print on demand technologies happened and vanity press took a back seat when indie authors sought economic and environmental options for their publications. Lulu, CreateSpace, BookSurge and others burgeoned. Last year in the US over 500,000 new titles were released, of which over half of those were from indie-authors. Quite staggering statistics. And…