Nate Hendley interviewed at Chazz Writes

Author and editor, Robert Chute recently interviewed Nate Hendley for his informative blog, Chazz Writes. We reprint that interview with Robert’s permission. Nate Hendley is a Toronto-based author who was born in Connecticut in 1966. He is a full-time journalist and writer and has published and written over a dozen books, primarily on true-crime topics. He lives with a demanding cat and has a website at You can check out his latest works on…

Five Rivers Authors’ Upcoming Events.

Five Rivers’ sibling authors, Nate and Alicia Hendley will be appearing in two separate Ontario locations Saturday, October 16. Nate Hendley, author of Al Capone: Chicago’s King of Crime, will be signing books at Chapters, Festival Hall, 142 John Street, Toronto, Ontario, between 3:00 and 6:00 p.m. The book is a very human look at this icon of the gangster era. View Larger Map Alicia Hendley, author of A Subtle Thing, will appear between 1:00…

Shocking and Insightful Book from Nate Hendley

In the coming months we will be pleased to release Nate Hendley’s shocking and insightful book on methamphetamine, Crystal Death. Originally published by now defunct Altitude Publishing under the title of Crystal Meth, we decided to pick up the book when Nate offered it to us in 2009. Nate went back to the computer and completely revised, updated and reworked the book to reflect Canadian as well as American statistics, adding new interviews with addicts,…