Interview with Maria Campos, voice-over artist

Narrating The Rose Guardian I recently exchanged emails with Maria Campos, the talented voice-over artist I commissioned to narrate my magic realism novel, The Rose Guardian. She did such a remarkable job, I thought it would be interesting to introduce her to my community of readers and followers, as well as offer some insight into the world of voice acting. Lorina: This may be a commonly asked and obvious question, but whatever motivated you to get into…

The Rose Guardian in audiobook

For audiobook lovers After months of laborious recording and mastering audiofiles for distribution through ACX, I was met with further frustration when it seemed the Amazon-owned distributor had upped their technical requirements, which would mean another several weeks for me to remaster all 60 tracks of The Rose Guardian. I spent a day fussing with, and frustrated about the problem. I put a sample track through the extra mastering steps provided through the ACX workshop…

New Audiobook!

the Rose Guardian in audiobook That’s right! I’ve finished mastering the files for my magic realism novel, The Rose Guardian, uploaded them to ACX, and am now awaiting approval. That should take about 10 business days, and if I’ve done my job well, the audio version of The Rose Guardian will be available by November 26, 2022. How wonderful is that? The recording is a little over eight hours in length, so it’s a good long listen. Where you…

Another 5-star review for The Rose Guardian

Goodreads review Friend and colleague, Michéle Laframboise, left this quite astonishing 5-star review of my novel, The Rose Guardian, on Goodreads. I bought The Rose Guardian after reading the opening at the end of in Dreams of the Moon. it was riveting. Intriguing, family tensions at the funerals of the main character’s mother. I had to know more! I bought the book and waited until I had finished some projects before starting to read the Rose Guardian….

Reviewed in Ottawa Review of Books

I am just thrilled to learn my recent novel, The Rose Guardian, has been reviewed by Robert Runté in The Ottawa Review of Books. How amazing is that? The full review is here: It starts with a funeral. Una Cotter is dead, and her sixty-something daughter, Vi, is left to sort out her feelings about her mother, her family, her childhood, and her ambiguous inheritance. One cannot but grieve the passing of one’s mother, but when Una…