Interview with Maria Campos, voice-over artist

Narrating The Rose Guardian I recently exchanged emails with Maria Campos, the talented voice-over artist I commissioned to narrate my magic realism novel, The Rose Guardian. She did such a remarkable job, I thought it would be interesting to introduce her to my community of readers and followers, as well as offer some insight into the world of voice acting. Lorina: This may be a commonly asked and obvious question, but whatever motivated you to get into…

Audiobook for Dreams of the Moon

Great way to start 2024 I’ve just signed a contract with voice actor Maria Campos to narrate Dreams of the Moon. Maria has a gorgeous voice with excellent enunciation and expressiveness. I was frankly a bit blown away by her audition, and so am more than a little excited to have her produce my collection of short, speculative fiction. Why return to live voice? Indeed why? Mostly my reason to return to live voice narration…

Caliban audiobook on Google

The main news The main news is I’ve released Caliban in audiobook on Google Play. Why is this remarkable news when I already have Caliban available in audio at Audible, Amazon, Apple and Kobo? It’s remarkable because it would appear Google no longer accepts narration outside of their AI narration service. Perhaps I’m mistaken and completely missed where I’d be able to upload my own files. But no matter at this point, because I took…

The Rose Guardian in audiobook

For audiobook lovers After months of laborious recording and mastering audiofiles for distribution through ACX, I was met with further frustration when it seemed the Amazon-owned distributor had upped their technical requirements, which would mean another several weeks for me to remaster all 60 tracks of The Rose Guardian. I spent a day fussing with, and frustrated about the problem. I put a sample track through the extra mastering steps provided through the ACX workshop…

New Audiobook!

the Rose Guardian in audiobook That’s right! I’ve finished mastering the files for my magic realism novel, The Rose Guardian, uploaded them to ACX, and am now awaiting approval. That should take about 10 business days, and if I’ve done my job well, the audio version of The Rose Guardian will be available by November 26, 2022. How wonderful is that? The recording is a little over eight hours in length, so it’s a good long listen. Where you…