News: On Spec Team, Reviews, and Stuff

Editorial Team At On Spec I am thrilled to announce I’ve accepted an invitation from Diane Walton, Publisher at On Spec Magazine, to join their editorial staff. There is a large roster of editors at On Spec. But, then, they receive a large number of submissions and require a large number of people to read and adjudicate every story. Very much look forward to working with Diane and all the team. If you’ve never read…

Short Story Publication

One of my Favourite Magazines In the latest issue of On Spec, one of my favourite speculative fiction magazines, and a publication for which I review, one of my flash fiction stories makes a debut appearance: “The Keening of the Sparrow”. I’m rather pleased with this short, sharp, shocking story which was inspired by the Industrial Revolution child-labourers known as chimney swifts. And given the human predilection for using and abusing their own, I transplanted…