New Releases, New Position

We’ve been working very hard here at Five Rivers and now have another two books released. The first is from crime-writer Nate Hendley, a revised and updated version of Al Capone: Chicago’s King of Crime. It’s a fresh, personal look at this iconic gangster from Depression Era Chicago, and is now available at Chapters at 24% discount, and Amazon. Over the next three weeks Al Capone will be available at Apple, Barnes and Noble, and…

Book Launch: Nate Hendley’s ‘Motivate to Create: a guide for writers’

We’re very pleased to announce the book launch for Nate Hendley’s Motivate to Create: a guide for writers, and Al Capone: Chicago’s King of Crime, Saturday, August 7, 2010, from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. at Chapter’s World’s Biggest Bookstore, 20 Edward Street, Toronto, ON M5G 1C9. In Motivate to Create, veteran freelance writer Nate Hendley explains how to start up or step-up your writing career.Straight-forward advice and commentary on a largely unexplored topic.Motivation is the…

Motivate to Create: a guide for writers

Five Rivers is pleased to announce the June 1, 2010 release of Nate Hendley’s revised and updated book, Motivate to Create: a guide for writers. Originally self-published through Lulu, Motivate to Create offers straight-forward advice on a largely unexplored topic — what is it that motivates us, and keeps us motivated, to create? Whether it’s creating an harmonious environment or keeping our bodies fit, veteran freelance writer Nate Hendley explains how to start up or…

Settling into 2010

It would seem 2010 is going to be about change, new frontiers and the realization of dreams, at least if the first four days of this new year are any indication. The year here started out very much on a personal note, with a somewhat sudden decision to launch into a full-blown kitchen renovation, precipitated by a Christmas gift of a new dishwasher. The dishwasher wouldn’t fit the old (c. 1960) cupboards and counter, which…

Nate Hendley: Upcoming Books

As many of you know Five Rivers is re-publishing five of Nate Hendley’s books next year, revised and updated, as well as releasing early in 2011 a new book on China as an emerging superpower. We’ve been busy working on covers for some of Nate’s books, and thought we’d give a sneak preview at these dynamic releases. For more information, go to Five Rivers’ at